Sunday, November 1, 2009

Check-up time!


Oh well, I guess I'll use this blog for SSBM and maaaaaaaaybe BB/Halo.

Rather than be all uber "i'm tight" and post super-motivating/insightful things about the games I play, I'll prolly post a lot of my stupid thoughts and notes.

Unless stated, these are for Doc.

when falcon tries to pressure with [jab x 1-2>knee]xN, upb OoS against 1st jab

- Okay, I lied. I'll explain things a little bit further.

One of Falcon's most messed up pressure tools (I feel) is the jab > knee on shield combo. If you try to grab at the wrong time, you WILL get kneed (and not be DIing, likely). It also works pretty effectively vs side-steppers, and good Falcons can normally do it while watching for a roll to stomp/sideb. It's not SUPER easy for Falcons to tech-chase the rolls (unless you're near the edge, d'oh), buuuut, rather than deal with all that, what I've started to do is upb OoS. You have to be careful about being baited (doc's upb is pretty much a shoryuken) but it puts the fear into him when he starts to pressure, which gives you a chance to roll/wd away.

Oh, and don't jump OoS unless you have a retarded fast nair. You're gonna get nailed, and might even accidentally burn your second jump. No bueno.

I think it might also be possible to usmash him OoS, but I haven't tried it yet. I'll prolly try tonight.

-on PS/BF vs Falcon @90+%, uthrow allows for follow-up above the platforms. Uthrow>uair>land>uair/fair?

This is just a general note, and I need to tinker with this idea more, soz it goes in mah blog. Woooooo.


What else?

Nair>utilt = xup shield pressure
nair/empty sh>fsmash/grab = xup shield pressure mixup


Well, as a brief explanation, I've played Melee while blazed quite a few times. So some of my notes are a little retarded.

Anyway, crossing up is INCREDIBLY underrated in SSBM. I've noticed that very few non-top level players do it.

For anyone that's new to fighters (or any people that play smash exclusively), crossing up is when you end at the opposite side of the opponent from where you first started. In 2d fighters, xups (i'm getting lazy now) are useful because they force your opponent to change their block (or guess, in the case of ambiguous cross-ups), allowing for a difficult block situation. In the smash series, cross-ups prevent a few things:

1) Sheild grabbing
2) Some traditional OoS counters (I.E. Luigi nair OoS)
3) Retreating via backwards roll

They can't sheild grab because you're behind them. Luigi can't nair OoS because you're too far behind for him to risk it without getting usmashed/tilted (particularly if you did the aerial late). If they try to roll backwards, you can normally reaction dsmash/tech-chase. Worst case scenario, you can normally get a wd ftilt.

Best of all, it puts you at a great position to grab. They're forced to guess between your follow-up being (among many many many options... this is why I love SSBM):

utilt - If you do it early and they try to jump, you just got a sweetspot utilt that leads into whatever
usmash - Also beats jumps. I just started using this move, but it apparently leads into ANYTHING (grab, usmash again, tech-chases, FSMASH). Only problem is, if you guess wrong, they get away, and might even be able to punish you.
fsmash - Risky as hell, but soooooo nice when you land it. Angle the fsmash up if you expect a jump, and down if you're going for a shield pierce.
Nair - Not that great an option (I'd rather use dair for shield drain, or fair to slam a side-step), but it's relatively safe for you. I pretty much never use it
Jab - My favourite option. Tags most jumps, and option selects like madd. After a jab on the opponent's shield, you can just watch and see how they react. If you think they'll keep shielding, grab and enjoy your damage/kill. If you see them roll, cancel it right quick (down near the ending frames) and follow their roll with a sh pill/dsmash/fair/wd ftilt/graaaaaaaaaaab. Sidestepping loses clean to jab>dsmash, too, because of how retardedly fast Doc can recover from it/sidestep/dsmash again/whatever. So you can sometimes spook people by doing jab>dsmash the first time you pressure their shield, and then do jab>grab the second time, if they're the defensive type. Better still is when you "accidentally" land in front of someone with fair, jab, and then they go for the grab that they haven't had a chance to get (CUZ U HAVE BEEN CROSSING THEM UP ALL DAY LONG OMGOMG) only to get jab>dsmashed. Sometimes, they'll try to beat jab>grab with a pre-emptive grab, and dsmash is beautiful for beating that out, too.

No joke, sometimes I'll jab and just crouch right in front of someone. The moment I see that shield drop, there's a dsmash coming out for the clean hit. Nice. I normally have to be under the influence of something to react properly, but scoring that hit is one of the best feelings ever.

There are a billion other things you can do, and some of the examples I've given aren't that hot, but I figure that this is enough to just start out with xup shenanigans.

Dammit, I did that whole "explain things" thing. Whatever. I'm pretty much the best.