Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First real match. :D

We went to the Springs on Saturday so I could do my challenge on DarkPanzer.

Things were going well up until I realized that I didn't know where my DS was. I ended up getting super stressed out. The only thing that really kept me from being bitchy was my bitchin' new phone, and me attempting to not play on tilt.

Before the match, we went to Waffle House. Outside the car, I was attempting to put on my shoes when Steve decided to take me up on my challenge to take me down and tackled me. Me without shoes+bookbag=low tier in wrestling, and he ended up throwing me to the ground. I brough him down with me, then tried to get him in a cradle hold for teh embarassment, but he just kinda crawled on top of me, wtf? GGs, Steve. Rematch sometime, lolol.

Michelle and some others were kind enough to chip in so that Nite and I could eat. Seriously, I don't care what drama is going on, I like most of the Springs players. Good eatin's, good conversation, and a grueling deathmatch of Rock-Paper-Scissors against Heibrahi (good ol' rock let him down. D: ) all served to lighten my mood considerably, and by the time we started the challenge, I had almost forgotten about my DS.

The first match was close. I was all sorts of nervous and scared, and couldn't do ANYTHING right. Somehow, I won it. The second match, he won, and I almost let it get to me. Then I realized that I was just being stupid, letting myself get worked up for no reason, and started watching how he played. After that, I made a clean sweep ftw. I think he might have taken one more round, but the end result was 5-1, my favour. 6p is sooooooooo gooooooooooood.

I should have videos of my terrible nervous playstyle up soon enough. Once I do, I'll just post them right in this space. :D!

After the matches, he congratulated me, shook hands, pounded, the whole nine. Panzer is hella cool. I really hope he starts to improve, because I'd like a super close match with him in tournament sometime. It'd be great to have a Springs player to rival with.

Shortly after, I went back to looking for my DS, and was unable to find it. I ended up slipping into a psuedo-depression for two days before I realized that my DS has actually been keeping me from doing a lot of things that make me happy, wtf? Still, I really miss it. It was nice for when I didn't feel like doing anything productive, and I REALLY miss my R4 card.

Oh well, such is life.

The ride home was filled with lots of old stories, discussions, and a little shit talk. I ended up going home and sleeping, while Tim and Steve taught Don more about Brawl. Tim says his Wolf is coming along well enough, and that he just needs to start working on learning the game's mechanics. Wooooooo.

Next up on my hitlist is Mini-Matt. He beat me at the RanBat, so I'm a little bit cautious now. Still, I'm determined to win, and I'm not going to do the same stupid crap I did two weeks ago. I want to start challenging the good players as soon as possible, so I'm not going to be playing like an idiot anymore, if I can help it.

I'm sure there's plenty I'm forgetting, but I'm lazy and hungry right now, so whatever. Here's hoping my next update is nothing but good news!

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