Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Week One, BEGIN!

I've decided to start a journal to record my experiences and travels as I venture into the world of competitive 2D fighters.

Some quick background information:

I'm not completely new to competitive gaming. I've been playing Super Smash Brothers Melee for about... 3 or 4 years. I've placed 2nd Out of State on occasion (though I really should have been 3rd... LoVo too good), and routinely placed 4th for about 2 years in a row at almost every major SSBM tournament in Colorado. I placed 7th once or twice, and 2nd/3rd and handful of times. Taken first on the VERY rare occasion, but it was never my own doing.

I also placed 30somethingish at OC3, a 228 man Melee tournament in Cali. It wasn't my best performance, but the experience really made up for it.

Then, Brawl came out. Being the stupid fanboy I am, I picked up Sonic for about 4 months, before realizing that I REALLY needed a new game to play.

Don't get me wrong, Brawl is decent enough, and if you want a thinking man's game, Brawl is it. However, there is virtually NOTHING to practice. Sooooo, I've started looking into the wonderful world of 2D fighters.

And what a wonderful world it is.

So much hype, so much competition. The numbers aren't as big as Smash, but the people that play seriously REALLY know their stuff.

I've been interested in 3s, CvS2, and GG for a long time now. Sadly, Colorado only really plays GG nowadays, so no Yang/Chun or Rock for me. D: D: D:

Still, GG has Zappa, and that's enough to get me to play any game. Doesn't hurt that Colorado's top player is one super-cool guy.

However, in playing with them, I've noticed that Colorado is significantly lacking in two things:

1) Pride.
2) The ability to think and manipulate.

Now, don't get me wrong. Some of our players can adapt rather well, and have tricked me on numerous occassions. Some of our players get INCREDIBLY fired up. Unfortunately, most of them don't.

I aim to fix this.

I have issued a challenge to the Colorado GG scene. If I can not beat every last one of them in a FT5 before this time next year, I'll be taking everyone I didn't ace out to eat. Or just buy them ice cream. I'm not sure which, yet.

Here's the hitlist:

1st Don
2nd KLT
3rd Dave
4th Eric
5th Markus
6th Halfro
7th Orion
8th Ahmad
9th Angel
10th Michelle
11th True Tech
12th Trapstar
13th Ralph
14th Mini Matt
15th Dark Panzer
16th Pixel
17th Master Trick

As of this post I have already taken Trick off the list, and Pixel may be off this Sunday. Not because I beat them, but because they ducked for two weeks in a row. I only have a year to ace everyone, and I can't spend all my time at the bottom.

Every match will be recorded, and posted on here, if I can. If not, I'll just link to it.

Panzer will probably be the first player I get to actually play.

I'm also planning on going OoS for GG, and possibly ST/SF4 once those come out.

Anyway, the purpose of this blog is to update people on my growth as a player, and maaaaybe even as a person. We'll see about that, though.

Until next time,



Unknown said...

Play freebird!

IzzyInfamous said...

Undying passion for you.


The world may never know!